วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

The Best educator One Could Ask For Is Life sense Itself

Watching a Steven Spielberg movie, you would plainly assume that the man behind the camera holds a college degree that helped him comprehend his visions. You would most likely think the same reading a treatise from famed anthropologist Richard Leakey.

You would be wrong. Neither these men, nor a lot of other of the biggest names in professions over a wide spectrum of experience, attended traditional four-year colleges and obtained degrees. They got out into the world and made their own paths, proving their worth the old-fashioned way: by working hard.

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Surely it would be safe to say that Spielberg knows far more about manufacture movies than man fresh out of college with a degree in filmmaking. By the same token, Apple Computers founder Steve Jobs is far more savvy in his field than man retention a computer science degree from the finest technical school.

Life sense is a far better educator than mere scholastic instruction. Ask anyone who's tried to learn a foreign language from books rather than by immersion among native speakers and they'll tell you nothing replaces hands-on sense when it comes to learning.

This is a message you won't get from advice counselors or the mainstream press. They'd like you to believe that the only way you'll ever be taken seriously in the wider world is if you're wrapped in one of their sheepskins. Without their help, they tell you, you'll be condemned to an existence flipping burgers or emptying bedpans.

If your life sense makes you more knowledgeable in your field than man fresh out of a conventional college, it stands to reason that you should get some sort of tangible credit for that experience. To say that four years of book study outweighs years of real-world sense is not just folly, it's downright insulting.

Of procedure there is a buildings in place to ensure that you, with your hard-won knowledge, are kept in your place, degree-less and on the outside. Colleges, in league with local and national governments, have accreditation boards set up supposedly to ensure that only "quality" schools get the imprimatur of legal approval. This was in fact their traditional purpose, but now they have come to be exclusivist clubs, considered to keep out all advocates of nonstandard studying and independent study.

Life sense universities are thriving as more and more professionals who chose to go out and seek their fortunes rather than supervene the traditional path are seeking the recognition they deserve. The traditional colleges and universities, seeking to support their profits and what they see as the keys to the kingdom, are fighting back with every weapon in their arsenal. They deny accreditation, spread rumors and use allies in the mainstream media to convince the collective that life-experience universities are nothing more than diploma mills, where anyone can walk out with the degree of their choosing.

The fact that these rumors are untrue doesn't hinder them. In fine capitalist tradition, they are pulling out all the stops to protect their profit base.

What's that, you say? Universities are nonprofit organizations? Let me leave you with one small fact:

The president of Yale University, Richard Levin, was paid over 0,000 back in 2001.

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